Life rarely goes the way you planned. This past weekend was supposed to involve me playing golf in the Club Championship, watching Jake play goalie in the State Lacrosse Championship (which they ended up winning…Go Lightning!) and enjoying the last of the beautiful Scottsdale weather. But instead, I found myself flying to New York and driving to Connecticut. Plans changed because I had been asked to do a very important job…to transport Ryan to Cincinnati so he could donate his precious bone marrow to his brother Cole.
Was I surprised to be given the job?...well, a little because for years I’ve been known to make my niece and nephews memorize our motto… “fun first, safety second”. And the last two times I rented a car I was awarded two well-deserved speeding tickets (which I must add the policeman in Vermont and Idaho were extremely pleasant during both incidents). Nonetheless, Ryan and began loading the car to start the drive Friday morning. As I was starting the car, my phone rang. It was Jeff. His message to me was clear…”you have extremely precious cargo on board. Do NOT screw this up”. So brimming with confidence, we pointed the car toward Southern Ohio.

On day two, I finally brought up the issue to Ryan of the upcoming bone marrow transplant he’d be providing on Thursday. He said he was completely ready and not scared. This kid is extremely brave. Ryan said the doctor told him the day after the transplant would feel like he fell on the ice because his bum would be a little sore. Ryan also told me he was excited to order a soft pretzel from the hospital lunch cart after the donation. He explained his brother Cole had been ordering them every day and Ryan wanted his. Who says jealousy can’t ever be helpful?
After arriving safely in Cincinnati, Ryan and I got to visit Cole in the Bone Marrow Transplant ward. We could only look through the glass into his room as to avoid any potential contamination. He was all smiles as he jumped out of bed when he saw us in the window. He looked every bit of the boisterous, mile-a-minute boy I’ve always known him to be. He has been a complete champ as he’s faced the chemo treatments and being cooped up in that small box of a room. I was overjoyed to see him, but let me tell you, it’s a life altering experience to visit that floor. Someone said it in the blog comments, the people who work there are Angels on Earth. I couldn’t agree more. I’ll also never forget the look on all the parents faces on the floor. They shuffle around in sort of a trance, each having a look of disbelief but determination on their face. Simply put, everyone there is just doing the best they possibly can.
Today Cole got his last chemo treatment before the transplant. It’s the biggest dosage. He might be a little more affected by this one than the last.
No-one here planned to be in this unpleasant situation. But for me, there has been a great silver lining. It has been a blessing to spend time so much time with Jeff, Janet and of course Ryan. The family thanks you for all your thoughts and prayers. Believe me, we’re praying right alongside you. T minus 3 days to go…
Uncle Andy
We're sooooo proud of you Ryan -- what a great big brother you are. :) And, I hope you beat Uncle Andy at putt-putt.
ReplyDeleteGreat job da man! Thanks Uncle Andy for the post. Cole - What's your Facetime address? Morgan and Ryan both have it. I'm not good at this technology thing.
ReplyDeleteThinking of you all...good thoughts...stay tough...heal quickly.
Was going to create a Super Hero for Cole, but I thought you might like to do it yourself:
You can design and color it on your computer...hopefully it works on an iPad.
Ryan, you ROCK!! What an amazing gift you are giving your brother. Cole - storming the heavens for you! Need another joke for your supply yet? "Knock! Knock!" (Who's there?) "Oink! Oink!" (Oink, oink who?) "Well, make up your mind - are you a pig or an owl?"
ReplyDelete(I can just hear the groans from all the adults now... :)
Stay strong - prayers continue!
ReplyDeleteU r sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo brave And a nice brother I am only saying this because that is what every on e wrote I still think ur wiered